Terms and Conditions
1. Application and binding effect of these terms
These terms and conditions (“terms”) govern your use of the Procera website located at www.procera.co.za and its sub-domains (“website”). These terms constitute an agreement between you and Procera (Pty) Limited (“Procera”) and its subsidiaries to regulate your access and use of the website. The latest version on the website each time you access or use it, will apply.
These terms may apply together with further specific terms applicable to a particular Procera service or product. If there is a conflict between these terms and the specific terms, the specific terms will apply.
The privacy policy located at www.procera.co.za/privacy-policy is incorporated herein by reference and will prevail over these terms and the specific terms in case of any conflict. Please familiarise yourself with the terms before you use the websites.
2. Login details, usernames and passwords
Should Procera’s websites from time to time make use of login functionality you accept complete responsibility for the safekeeping of your usernames and passwords. You may not share your login details with any third party.
By entering your usernames and passwords (if applicable), Procera is entitled to assume that the person using the websites is you.
You must familiarise yourself with the functionality of the websites. You are responsible for all internet data usage charges required to use any services or browse the website. Please check with your internet service provider for information on internet data usage charges.
You must follow the security procedures communicated by Procera from time to time as well as such other procedures that may apply to the websites.
Procera may at any time request that you provide documentary evidence in the required format to confirming your identity as the registered user of the websites (if applicable).
If you fail to follow the recommended security procedures, the confidentiality of your personal information may be compromised and may lead to unauthorised access to your account and information.
In the event that you are a business, you must ensure that only authorised employees have access to and are allowed to use the websites with your secure login details. You and/or your business are however then responsible for any action of those individual(s) (whether authorised or not) when they interact with our websites.
You undertake to ensure the safekeeping and confidentiality of all confidential information. You are responsible to keep all of your personal information, usernames and passwords up-to-date, secure and confidential and must notify Procera immediately if there has been any breach of or if you suspect any breach of security or confidentiality.
3. Use of the websites
Procera may offer you services and/or products to you from time to time and reserves the right to modify, replace or discontinue any existing service without prior notice to you.
You may temporarily download one copy of the materials (information or software) on Procera’s website for personal, non-commercial viewing only. This is the grant of a license, not a transfer of title.
You may not (whether alone or in conjunction with any third party):
- alter, reverse-engineer, modify, circumvent, disable, amend, tamper with or change any part of the websites;
- alter, reverse engineer, modify, circumvent, disable, amend, tamper with or change any security features of the websites;
- infect the websites with any software, malware or code that may infect, damage, delay or impede the operation of the websites or which may intercept, alter or interfere with any data generated by or received through the websites;
- distribute any content from our website without our prior consent;
- use any technology, including but not limited to crawlers and spiders, to search our Website or obtain information from our website;
- frame our website or any pages of our website;
- link to our website in a manner other than through the homepage; or
- deep-link to any other pages on our website in a way that would suggest that you own the intellectual property that belongs to us
Procera may terminate the license at any time and the license shall automatically terminate if you violate any of these terms. Upon terminating your viewing of these materials or upon the termination of this license, you must destroy any downloaded materials in your possession whether in electronic or printed format.
4. Liability
You agree that subject to applicable law, Procera will not be liable for:
- Any interruption, malfunction, downtime, off-line situation or other failure of the websites or online services, Procera ‘s system, databases or any of its components, beyond Procera’s reasonable control;
- Any loss or damage with regard to your data or other data directly or indirectly caused by malfunction of Procera’s system, third party systems, power failures, unlawful access to or theft of data, computer viruses or destructive code on Procera’s system or third party systems or programming defects;
- Any interruption, malfunction, downtime or other failure of goods or services provided by third parties, including, without limitation, third party systems such as the public switched telecommunication service providers; internet service providers, electricity suppliers, local authorities and certification authorities; or any event over which Procera has no direct control.
Neither you nor Procera, nor Procera’s IT personnel, will be held liable for any failure to perform any obligation to the other due to causes beyond your, Procera or Procera’s IT personnel’s respective reasonable control, including lightning, flood, exceptionally severe weather, fire, explosion, war, civil disorder, industrial disputes, acts or omissions of persons for whom Procera is not responsible (including telecommunications and internet service providers) or acts of government or other competent authorities.
You indemnify and hold Procera harmless against all and any loss, liability, actions, suites, proceedings, costs, demands and damages of all and every kind, (including direct, indirect, special or consequential damages), and whether in an action based on contract, negligence or any other action, arising out of or in connection with the failure or delay in the performance of the websites, or the use of information and/or images available on the websites, whether due to Procera’s negligence or not.
You agree that your sole and exclusive remedy for any dispute of any nature with Procera in relation to your use of the websites, is to stop using the websites.
5. Transmission and accuracy of information
Procera is not responsible for the proper and/or complete transmission of the information contained in the electronic communication or of the electronic communication itself nor in any delay in its receipt.
Security measures have been implemented to ensure the safety and integrity of the websites. However, despite this, information that is transmitted over the Internet may be susceptible to unlawful access and monitoring.
Procera gives no guarantee of any kind concerning the content on our websites. Procera does not give any warranty (express or implied) or make any representation that any online service will operate error free or without interruption or that any errors will be corrected or that the content is complete, accurate, up to date, or fit for a particular purpose.
6. Deemed rules for sending and receiving electronic messages
You acknowledge that Procera will primarily use e-mail and electronic notices on the websites, as Procera ‘s main communication tool for all communications relating to the websites, or these terms and conditions. Such communications may include the use of SMS (short message services), registered mail or telephonic advice.
You and Procera hereby agree that the provisions of Part 2 of Chapter III of the Electronic Communications & Transactions Act 25 of 2002 are hereby excluded and that the following terms will apply when you (or any one acting on your behalf) and Procera send each other electronic messages via any electronic means, including via the websites and its application forms and email (“communication system”):
Where you make an offer to Procera, an agreement is formed at the time Procera sends you its written acceptance of your offer. An automated or manual acknowledgement of receipt of your electronic message shall not be deemed to constitute acceptance.
For you, all electronic messages will be deemed to have been sent from, and received at your specified e-mail address. An electronic message is deemed to have been sent:
- by you, at the time at which Procera is capable of accessing such message;
- by Procera, at the time shown on the electronic message as having been sent or, if not so shown, at the time shown on our computer system as having been sent.
An electronic message is deemed to be received:
- by you, once it becomes capable of being retrieved by you;
- by Procera, once Procera has confirmed receipt thereof or responded thereto, whichever is the earlier.
An electronic message shall be attributed:
to you, if it purports to have originated from you, irrespective of the fact that someone else may have impersonated you or whether the electronic message sent to Procera resulted from an error or malfunction in the communication system, except if you can timeously satisfy Procera otherwise before Procera has acted upon the message.
to Procera, if it has been sent by a duly authorised representative and such representative acted within the scope of such authority or by an automated system programmed by Procera and such system operated without error or malfunction.
Unless otherwise provided for in these terms, confirmation of receipt of your electronic message is required to give legal effect to such electronic message.
7. Viruses
Procera will take reasonable steps to exclude viruses from the websites, but cannot guarantee or warrant that any material available for downloading from Procera’s websites will be free from infection, viruses and/or other code that has contaminating or destructive properties and no liability is accordingly accepted for viruses.
You are responsible for and we recommended that you take your own precautions and implement sufficient procedures and virus checks (including running anti-virus software and other security checks) to satisfy your particular requirements.
8. Third party sites
Procera provides certain hyperlinks to third party websites only as a convenience, and the inclusion of any hyperlinks or any advertisement of any third party on Procera’s websites does not imply endorsement by Procera of their websites, their products, business or security practices or any association with its operators. You access those websites and use their products and services solely at your own risk.
9. Intellectual property rights
You acknowledge and agree that all right, title and interest in, and to, any Procera intellectual property (including but not limited to any copyright, trademark, design, logo, process, practice, methodology which forms part of, or is displayed or used on the websites or the service including, without limitation, any graphics, logos, designs text, button icons, images, audio clips, digital downloads, data compilations, page headers and software) is proprietary to Procera and will remain vested in Procera under all circumstances.
You agree that you will not at any time or under any circumstances acquire any rights of any nature in and to the Procera intellectual property.
10. Warranties and representations
Procera makes no representations or warranties, whether express or implied, and assume no liability or responsibility for the proper performance of the website and/or the information and/or images contained on the website. The website and its content are used at your own risk.
You warrant to and in favour of Procera that:
- you are 18 years or older; or
- you have the legal capacity to agree to and be bound by these terms; and
- the terms constitute a contract valid and binding on you and enforceable against you.
Each of the warranties given by you will
- be a separate warranty and will in no way be limited or restricted by inference from the terms of any other warranty or by any other words in the terms;
- continue and remain in force irrespective of whether any account (where applicable) is active, suspended or cancelled;
- be deemed to be material.
11. Procera information in terms of section 43 of the electronic communication and transactions act
- Site owner: Procera (Pty) Ltd (“Procera”)
- Legal status: Procera is a private company, duly incorporated in accordance with the laws of South Africa;
- Procera Registration No: 1999/027655/07;
- Procera Directors: H.R Blake, C.K Moodley, D.T Pather, C.F Sonn
- Description of main business of Procera: Contact Centre;
- Telephone number: +27 31 538 4000;
- E-mail address: info@procera.co.za;
- Website addresses: www.procera.co.za;
- Physical Address: 32 Flanders Drive, Mount Edgecombe 4300;
- Postal Address: Private Bag X27, Umhlanga Rocks 4320;
- Registered Address: 32 Flanders Drive, Mount Edgecombe 4300.
12. Severability
Any provision of these terms which is or may become illegal, invalid or unenforceable in any jurisdiction affected by these terms will, as to such jurisdiction, be ineffective to the extent of such prohibition or unenforceability and will be severed from the balance of these terms, without invalidating the remaining provisions of these terms or affecting the validity or enforceability of such provision in any other jurisdiction.
13. Governing law
These Terms will be governed by and interpreted in terms of South African laws. You consent that the Magistrates’ Court will have jurisdiction even if the proceedings are otherwise beyond its jurisdiction.
14. Waiver
Failure or neglect by Procera to enforce any of these terms, will not be construed as a waiver of its rights, nor will such failure or neglect in any way affect the validity of the whole or any part of these terms, nor prejudice the rights of Procera to take subsequent action.
15. Enquiries
Any questions or concerns arising from these terms or the websites should be addressed to info@procera.co.za
16. Notices
For all purposes of these Terms, any notice required to be in writing shall include email.
17. Whole agreement
These terms constitute the whole agreement between you and Procera relating to your access to and use of the website.
18. No third party stipulation
The terms create a legally binding agreement between you and Procera. Accordingly, unless expressly stated to be the case, the terms do not create rights in favour of any third party.